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How did you get into RP/RPIs?
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Post Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:58 am      Reply with quote

I was randomly invited to RP on neopets, probably by a pedophile. I was like 10.
Many years later, but not so many, someone from another RP gaming suggested I try out MUDs. The rest is history.

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Post Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:32 pm      Reply with quote

My husband (then boyfriend) was stuck in bed after a surgery and started playing what I referred to as "that weird text game" to pass the time.

Months passed, he got better, and I was like, "Husband, come outside, we must do things with friends."

And he was like, "But I have to do this thing."

And I was like, "Is that that weird text game again? You never want to go outside anymore."

So one day I decided since I couldn't beat him, I'd join him. He helped me roll up a PC and explained it all to me, and I was like, "Nah, I'll play for like a day."

That was SoI and it was 2010. And here I am. You win, internet.

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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:41 pm      Reply with quote

Nyneve wrote:
My husband (then boyfriend) was stuck in bed after a surgery and started playing what I referred to as "that weird text game" to pass the time.

Months passed, he got better, and I was like, "Husband, come outside, we must do things with friends."

And he was like, "I'm not your husband! And how did you get into my house?!"

And I was like, "Is that that weird text game again? You never want to go outside anymore."

So one day I decided since I couldn't beat him, I'd join him. He helped me roll up a PC(he kept joking about how I needed to let him go, but I knew he preferred the tape and was safer this way) and explained it all to me(being a silly husband and screaming), and I was like, "Nah, I'll play for like a day."

That was SoI and it was 2010. And here I am. You win, internet.


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