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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:18 pm | |
I've been having some serious issues with my internet the last week and I've discovered that when I'm connected to prpi my internet connection drops very frequently. However if I'm on youtube or watching a high bandwidth stream without being connected to prpi my connection works fine. So I decided to to a trace route of prpi and came up with this.
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Tracing route to parallelrpi.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 12 ms 10 ms 9 ms
3 14 ms 11 ms 11 ms
4 15 ms 15 ms 11 ms
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * 2164 ms 41 ms bhs-g1-6k.qc.ca []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 32 ms 29 ms 29 ms srv03ovhmoca.thirdhosting.com []
11 27 ms 28 ms 32 ms
Trace complete.
I've tried multiple time and at least 2 of the hops will time out, this was one of the worst where 4 hops timed out. I contacted my isp and showed them this and they simply said that there is an issue between me and the prpi address and it could be on the PRPI side which absolves them of responsibility.. Then I thought about the high number of players I've seen with disconnection issues since the beginning and suddenly my ISP's bullshit excuse sounded viable.
So can anyone tech savy and romantically involved with the server code let me know if this problem would be causing my internet to drop? And if there is any solutions because I would like to continue to play Prpi if I'm not going to be plagued with connection issues.
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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:35 pm | |
From what I can see there's actually nothing wrong with the tracerout that you posted. I believe this since gave you a response.
Looking at it further hops 5 through 7 as well as hop 9 likely have ICMP echo packets turned off (basically they don't send echoes, but still receive the information). You know this because while they don't respond, hops further along in the route do respond. The only way for them to have gotten the command to respond to was to go through the previous step.
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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:40 pm | |
Well I can connect to prpi for a while, maybe 5-10 minutes but then everything will disconnect. So maybe packet loss?
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Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:44 pm | |
Most likely it's a packet loss problem somewhere along the line. If others are experiencing it at the exact same time (say the entire game dcs everyone for instance) then I would expect that it is ARPI's server having the issues. If, on the other hand, it's just you, then I would expect it to be something on your end (or your ISP's end more likely).
The only way to truly troubleshoot it would be to run your traceroute when you are experiencing the problem.
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