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Dictator in Absentia

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Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:40 am |  |
New Guard:
James 'Jim' Morrow is an old hand with the New Guard. It's generally
well-known that he's descended from some older ranking members of
the Guard, though nobody quite knows how far back or how deep those
roots go. Regardless, James has his own reputation built up, as an
adventurer and hunter, and as something of a diplomat. He's known
to have a level head, and a general preference for talking problems
out when possible, though stories still abound of the sometimes
brutal punishments visited on those breaking his rules on his turf.
He continues to venture out beyond the bounds of Rust from time
to time, looking for this or that. There's speculation that he may
eventually settle down to just administer his Family, although
short of asking him directly, nobody could really know the truth
of that.
Red Company:
With the death of Lieutenant Dannoy and the Sergeants Joshua and Donahue, Sergeant Bastian has received an unexpected promotion to Lieutenant of the Red Company. Considered something of an idealistic fanatic and a political outlier among the Company, Bastian's known for his zealotry and unwavering belief, as well as his lead-from-the-front, work-with-the-men style. Still, some of the more conservative members both above and below him have supposedly been butting heads with the man.
Riley Nine is the daughter of former Niners leader and recent drug-burnout, Karma Nine. The family claims direct descent from the First Boss himself, which has caused more than a little infighting within the generations of bastards who also say it's their right. Karma recently was forced out of her position for her unstable mental state, and her cronies made sure Riley was standing there to fill the gap. She's young, but she's the opposite of idealistic, and is known for her hot temper and perhaps unexpected intelligence. Riley's quick to deal out her version of justice, and doesn't consider loyalty an option so much as a requirement. Something of a gunslinger, she's never really seen without a piece of iron at her hip, and brandishes it to get her way when her age or ability to lead is called into question.
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Dictator in Absentia

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Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:47 pm |  |
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Dictator in Absentia

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Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:52 pm |  |
Not a clan-lead per se, but a character of note:
Lang Ryan is the founder and journalist of the local news. Born into relative
privelege and the virtue of education as a child of one of the high-ranking
New Guard family members, she chose self-exile and independence a few years
back with the goal of creating an unaffiliated news and entertainment source.
Using her charisma, determination, and general wits and a hand at electronics,
she put together the station with various pieces gained through scavenge, trade,
and incentive payments from the various families and independents when they
wanted an agenda, story, or announcement aired. Like the service of the Market
Watch, the Rust News was agreed to be an endeavor mutually beneficial to all
in the Rust, and after a hardscrabble beginning, it gained a following and
was granted a public base. The little autumn-haired firecracker is something
of a Lunar celebrity, in a sense, as her face is consistantly on the viewing
holo in the Market. Cameramen are constantly sought, as each one seems to meet
a horrible and violent end. The benefits of the job are largely prestige alone,
but it doesn't stop fame seekers and artists from testing the infamously
cursed profession.
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Sticks Out Like A Sore Thumb
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Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:04 am |  |
Red Company:
Announced as Lieutenant Bastian's successor publicly a few phases before the armed conflict over the Red Company gates installed along the road leading to the west gate of Rust, Sergeant Miranda Trate was abruptly elevated to the position a cycle ahead of Bastian's scheduled retirement. The transition was far from seamless, the entire project forced to be scrapped and the gates dismantled under the threat of the combined force of Block Nine and the New Guard with Red Company members hounding for blood as she conceded everything Bastian had hoped to gain. Since then, under Lieutenant Miranda's lead, the Red Company has taken on a role of consolidation, rebuilding strength and finishing many of the projects Bastian had started but not seen to completion and some further creations besides.
Known for her cold demeanor and strict attention to detail, Miranda is in many ways an opposite to Bastian. More of a scholar than a fighter, though by no means unschooled in the latter, she has taken more of an administrative role in directing and organizing Company affairs. When roused her zeal might even be a match for the former Lieutenant's, though she has taken a much longer-sighted approach, still following along the path set in motion by her predecessor. Still, the position weighs on her enough that even an outsider can see how tired she's become.
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