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Scavenging - A Guide
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Post Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:45 am      Reply with quote

Scavenging. If you don't know what that is, shame, leave this thread and never return.
It's the best way to get things in this game, and arguably one of the best skills to have in your arsenal over the long-term. With scavenging and the right circumstances, a character can become quite rich over a short period of time. -Especially- in comparison to someone who has little to no skill in the same situations.

The Basics

- Searches for a random item. Often grants better things than can be found when looking for something specific.
- Shows you, based on your skill level, what you can specifically search for in the room.
FORAGE <difficulty> <#>
- Searches for a specific item. Sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't, sometimes you'll get something else entirely.

Each room is forage-able one time by your character before you will start receiving the message "You have searched here too recently". Thereafter, you have to wait a couple of hours before you'll be able to forage in the same room again. As a general rule, you'll find better things and more area to search for them in areas that are further away from Rust or more dangerous than the other spots.

The amount of time it takes to forage is based on your agility. Be mindful of this, as it can be a better idea to just wait 'till the next room if you're doing hallways or outdoor ruins and you start late. Also, it's worth waiting until any nasty things are found/dispatched before you press forage; the people you're with will appreciate this.

At certain levels, your ability to FORAGE SURVEY improves. Here are the levels:
Common / Novice - I think
Uncommon / Familiar
Rare / Adroit
Ultra-Rare / Heroic

Advanced (Thinking like a Scavenger)

If you're bored and feel like reading, this section is for you. There are two main styles of scavenging: group-scavving, and sneak-scavving. The latter is dangerous and not endorsed by this thread, although I'll say a few words on it. Both present a very different way of looking at things, so I'll separate them into parts.


Security. When heading out with a group, you're worried mostly about gear and your ability to combat whatever appears. This doesn't mean it's not viable as a noncom, it's just very different. Oftentimes you'll find nice people who are willing to help you carry things back to town, or they'll turn up something that they're willing to trade. The main drawback is of course the time and organization that it takes to get a group together, which is not something to be discounted. It takes a while.

If you like your character a lot, it is often best to stick with group runs.


Profit. This is very fun and I know despite my warning you are going to do it. You may regret it and lose a character, so I'm saying it again; this is really dangerous and if you're going to do it more than once or twice you'd better have it down to a science.

The first thing to always remember is to never move when something is in the same room as you or you're liable to be revealed. Always WATCH and SCAN in the direction you're going, and try to SCAN just before moving. If you forget to type 'SNEAK W' and type 'W', you may die. If a herd of shredders wander in at the same moment you do, you may die. A thing to consider when choosing between unencumbered and lightly-encumbered is that the latter represents a significant difference in stamina drain. Always be ready to SET JOG and remember where the nearest place with a door is.

Unfortunately, there are sometimes hidden things behind those doors. In that case, you are likely dead, but creative players have come up with many ways to stay alive despite. If you're a good fighter and you know the code well, your chances of survival increase dramatically. Obviously, always try to run and only fight in a circumstance where it is absolutely necessary. If you get caught fighting something outside...Guess. You're dead. To offset all this, you can waltz out and grab what you want whenever you feel like it, and that is just awesome.

Scavenging Economy

The point of it all. Many things are only obtainable via scavenging, like most of the game's crafting materials. It can help to remember the base materials you can get from each location and think of them in such terms. Ex:

X area has a lot of rooms where you can forage computers
Computers can be gathered from to receive monitors
Monitors are heavy plastic material
Hence, X area is a great spot to obtain plastic

And so on.


Hope this helps for anyone who was curious about or new to the scavenge system. :)

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Post Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:38 pm      Reply with quote

My two cents, to offer to this guide? Which is an awesome guide by the way. Is RP RP RP. To many people walk into an area, and just immediately spam-scav.

When you're in a huge group, or at least a fairly large one, it's always courteous to drop at the VERY least a single emote showing how your character is scavving. That's not to say I've never spam-scavved, we all have, and it happens. It'd just be neat if more people focused on the RP aspect of digging through random junk, then just the coded rewards.

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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:15 pm      Reply with quote

Real wrote:

The first thing to always remember is to never move when something is in the same room as you or you're liable to be revealed. Always WATCH and SCAN in the direction you're going, and try to SCAN just before moving.

I'd be even more stringent--never move when you can see anything, or anyone, hostile or not, in any direction. And Always watch the direction you are moving so you can stop before you get there. Also, remember to learn what reveals you and what doesn't.

Real wrote:

Unfortunately, there are sometimes hidden things behind those doors. In that case, you are likely dead, but creative players have come up with many ways to stay alive despite. If you're a good fighter and you know the code well, your chances of survival increase dramatically.

Set autoflee and set autofire are good against wilderness wildlife.

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It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools.

Post Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:35 am      Reply with quote

Two last useful tips:

Gives you a readout on your current level of armor, encumbrance, and other good stuff to know.

ORIGINS <item>
Gives you a readout on the crafts that you know that can create the item and what craftsets they're a part of, as well as showing a message like:

You might be able to find this item by foraging in the following places:
- rarely from within ancient factories

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