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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:43 pm |  |
Chips are too scarce. The problem isn't that valuables arn't around, they are, but chips arn't. Barter is great and I love that we do that, but we need chips because npcs won't barter. This is a problem for shop keepers. I know there is a barter craft which turns raw mats into chips but for shop keepers let me propose somehting simple.
A craft that allows them to get money from their sales. Could be like 'collect sales' clanned to only shop keepers and it allows them to get a certain amount of chips for the cost of either an item (something they sold) or time or both. The idea would be they could use this craft to get chips to do deals with pcs, or npcs to get the other things they need that can't be bought otherwise. Just my two cents.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:53 pm |  |
They can get chips off PCs. Family members can get chips off vNPCs.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:59 pm |  |
Aken wrote: |
They can get chips off PCs. Family members can get chips off vNPCs. |
Yes they can, but this isn't nearly enough chips it isn't working. The npc shop owners are black hole for chips and the family need to buy from them too. There just arn't nearly enough chips. Most pcs will see only their starting chips and virtually none others afterwards.
Also that family have a means to get chips is really unfair since npcs SHOULD be buying from shops, but no reflection of that currently in game, meanwhile families have a vnpc chip source PLUS all the pc power they can get for crafting and scaving. It basically adds up to a situation that 1> doesn't make much sense (where do the vnpcs get the chips in such an economy that the family then can take in the first place)
2> is really unbalanced.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:05 pm |  |
If you own a shop, you run based off demand.
If you're selling something that PCs with money do not want, then something is wrong.
If you're selling something that PCs who have no money want, well...
The way I see it, the independent market economy is actually largely driven by family purchases. There are also other ways to get chips in the market, like working for PCs or scavenging items that people are looking for. Regular Rusters are quite poor, and it will likely remain that way unless they prove resourceful and get chips through the various means available to them.
The only end I can see from vNPC sales or shopkeeper crafts is a whole lot of power creep and money buildup. I see what you're getting at OP and it's an interesting idea but I'm not sure it works for the setting.
ETA: Families and Independent Shopkeepers are not meant to be balanced by any means afaik
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:13 pm |  |
Real wrote: |
If you own a shop, you run based off demand.
If you're selling something that PCs with money do not want, then something is wrong.
If you're selling something that PCs who have no money want, well...
The way I see it, the independent market economy is actually largely driven by family purchases. There are also other ways to get chips in the market, like working for PCs or scavenging items that people are looking for. Regular Rusters are quite poor, and it will likely remain that way unless they prove resourceful and get chips through the various means available to them.
The only end I can see from vNPC sales or shopkeeper crafts is a whole lot of power creep and money buildup. I see what you're getting at OP and it's an interesting idea but I'm not sure it works for the setting. |
I would argue this is merely a matter of adjusting the amount to get the right balance. If say it was a long craft timer 6 hours, and the amount was relatively small 5 chips. That isn't going to amount to a lot of power for the shop keeper, in fact it's enough to buy maybe one special mat from an npc that can then later be made into something pcs want to buy. Meanwhile it gives the shopkeeper a reason to employ help because if their time is occasionally tied up in crafts that do not produce something they can sell, they may need someone else to help them with the things they can.
I think that balance can simply be achieved by the right combination of cost and reward.
I disagree thuogh with the market economy because chips -do not exist- except from family and they spend pretty much all of them the same way the shop keepers do, on the black hole for mats we can't really get any other way right now. I get this might balance out as people start to aqcuire the means to make stuff that can't be gotten other ways, (will this ever change for gold).
But this is not a developed economy it is using a resource that is best achieved by re-rolling a new character and that isn't sustainable.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:21 pm |  |
I think maybe there needs to be something else for chip generation but I don't think this is it.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:25 pm |  |
ORDER LIST at the Auctioneer.
Robbing people.
Scavenging and selling crafting materials.
Selling -anything- at the auction. (You even get the fee back)
Scavenging, crafting, then selling crafted things at the auction.
Hunting and selling excess food paste.
Selling hides to armorers.
There are definitely means for independents to get ahold of chips. :P
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:28 pm |  |
Yea what he means though is the general chips that are IG and how chips disappear when used on NPC shopkeepers. Not just 'I'm an indie that can't get chips.' He's just saying there needs to be more chips in circulation.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:38 pm |  |
^This. More chips in circulation is needed for any sort of economy to take place beyond bartering- you have chip sinks of sizable proportions, without any equally sizable chip-makers.
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Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:02 pm |  |
I think the auction makes it harder for shops to sell things. People who don't own a shop can put stuff in to sell at a lower cost than the shops.
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