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Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:46 pm |  |
Two questions, actually, asked here because the only person around with access to Helpline is another novice. The in-room text for the room selling armour was indicative that you can actually -choose- what you want for your variables instead of settling for the least offensive not horribly mis-matched thing repeatedly doing buy # var gives you. How do you go about doing so, if such is possible?
Also, when you go to buy the basic supply/survival kits and so on, it randomizes the variables for the items in it. Is there any way to fix them to be in-line/matching with the items you chose before, assuming you haven't left the location?
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:01 am |  |
ok, I can help you some, but i'm sure an admin will give more information. For starters, when buy an item, you can say 'buy 3 var ?'. what this will do is provide a list of variables. from there you can type 'tag <variable>'. This will provide a list you then can put in like so: buy 3 var "sooty-black" "chrion" "marred". it will list the tags in the order you put them in. Hope this helps!
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:02 am |  |
also, it -should- be the same deal for supplies. if not, I am sorry, because that wasn't in when i started on day one, so I'll poke an admin if that doesn't help.
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:07 am |  |
Thank you!
It doesn't show you what you're getting in the supply kits till you have them.*
*Apparently it does, if you use preview, which I missed somehow, but it doesn't allow you to buy them as a variable despite having a random array of colours and so on in them. Only ones you get to choose variables for are the weapon ones.
Does that mean they're not changeable and I'm thusly stuck with ugly, pink and yellow things that don't match anything else I'm wearing? :<
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Dictator in Absentia

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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:29 am |  |
Unfortunately, with the exception of the weapon packages, the contents of supply packages are random. This might change in the next few days.
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:32 am |  |
^ see? told you it would work out. Hope you have a lot of fun IG, look forward to seeing you. If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me or talk to the staff!
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:48 am |  |
I'm confused. You want your machinist tools to match your wardrobe?
On the one hand, I suppose if you want them to there's a lot to be said for letting people choose what they like best. It is a game, after all, and it's supposed to be fun.
On the other hand, though, I kind of like that it's random. Things are generally found/repurposed/scavenged/stolen/etc, as per the setting, so color coordination is a rather significant IG feat that only really makes sense for certain PCs who have the luxury of choice. If you're apping into the New Guard or something, though, I guess it could make sense.
Just my two chips.
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:53 am |  |
Nah. Just the stuff I'm wearing. Don't see why it wouldn't be possible to dump a ton of X coloured paint on whatever harnesses and knife sheaths and so on.
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:53 am |  |
Nah. Just the stuff I'm wearing. Don't see why it wouldn't be possible to dump a ton of X coloured paint on whatever harnesses and knife sheaths and so on I'm re-purposing from an IC standpoint.
Mostly it just bothers my OCD that all my clothes are black/purple but my pouch is yellow, my radio is pink, and all my weapon stuff is red.
Don't care if my kits/personal not-worn items are the 'right' colour or not. Not everything needs to match ones outfit and all. Except ones outfit. >.>
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Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:25 am |  |
Starlanna57 wrote: |
Mostly it just bothers my OCD that all my clothes are black/purple but my pouch is yellow, my radio is pink, and all my weapon stuff is red.
Don't care if my kits/personal not-worn items are the 'right' colour or not. Not everything needs to match ones outfit and all. Except ones outfit. >.> |
Ahaaaaaaaa. Yes. Fair enough.
*recedes quietly back into the ether*
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