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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:28 am |  |
Tony wrote: |
At a glance (meaning I didn't read the entire thread yet), this is something that just isn't possible without some kind of metagame assistance. Clan leads can't hunt down deserters, they're far too busy with clan leading.
Grandpa's on the right track, play your pc, not the other way around. But if this is meant to be canon like Wilde says on the front page then there must be a metagame enforcement of it. Clan security doesn't have time for that crap. |
Not sure what you mean! Having clanlead a while over Atonement, I've never seen this problem. The gameworld isn't that massive.
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Dictator in Absentia

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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:13 am |  |
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:49 am |  |
I think the whole 'not having time' thing is realistic enough. If you're part of a family you probably have a function. You can't just stop doing that to hunt someone if someone's run off, or the whole family suffers.
It's my opinion it'd be a more - if me or my guys see you outside of the market, we're shooting you, rather than a, I'm going to gather my entire army and actively hunt you kind of thing. Leading a man hunt would cost resources and time, and you'd really have had to cross some boundaries to warrant that kind of attention.
Edit to say: Unless your character has their face on a holoscreen, it should be easy to stay unnoticed by families. They're virtually huge, but they're hardly omnipotent - NPC x isn't going to be able to match a name to your face.
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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:32 pm |  |
So--we've got multiple PCs IG that used to be(in their backgrounds) in different Families. Maybe Staff can share what -are- valid IC ways in which people have escaped a Family and/or joined another?
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:20 pm |  |
grandpa wrote: |
So--we've got multiple PCs IG that used to be(in their backgrounds) in different Families. Maybe Staff can share what -are- valid IC ways in which people have escaped a Family and/or joined another? |
1) Lying and deceit
2) As part of some treaty or transaction between Families
3)Nobody cared enough to track them down and drag them back/kill them
There are plenty of reasons why someone might be let leave a Family that could be justified in a background or something. The important part is that it's NOT common and NOT looked upon favorably.
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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:24 pm |  |
Watson wrote: |
grandpa wrote: |
So--we've got multiple PCs IG that used to be(in their backgrounds) in different Families. Maybe Staff can share what -are- valid IC ways in which people have escaped a Family and/or joined another? |
1) Lying and deceit
2) As part of some treaty or transaction between Families
3)Nobody cared enough to track them down and drag them back/kill them
There are plenty of reasons why someone might be let leave a Family that could be justified in a background or something. The important part is that it's NOT common and NOT looked upon favorably. |
I'm not sure why the bump, given that #2 is what's happening IG right now, but alright!
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| It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools. | |
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:29 pm |  |
Likely because it's not something that happens often at all, and when it does, I can't imagine it looks favorably upon anyone.
Any Family agreeing to a trade of one of their members is giving up protection of one of their members. Any member who is wanting to be traded is obviously disloyal to their Family. Any Family accepting a member of another Family into their organization is taking in a traitor, essentially. It looks pretty poorly upon everyone involved when #2 happens.
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:31 pm |  |
As long as it is making decent RP in-game, is it really an issue enough to bump? Because that comes off as-- YOU ARE ALL DOING IT WRONG. Which kind of discredits all the RP spurned from it, and given this is an RPI... well.
Honestly, the only time I think it's a problem is when people treat it willy nilly or want to leave because they don't like their clanleads or whatever, which isn't really anything like what's been happening.
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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:33 pm |  |
thorongil wrote: |
Likely because it's not something that happens often at all, and when it does, I can't imagine it looks favorably upon anyone.
Any Family agreeing to a trade of one of their members is giving up protection of one of their members. Any member who is wanting to be traded is obviously disloyal to their Family. Any Family accepting a member of another Family into their organization is taking in a traitor, essentially. It looks pretty poorly upon everyone involved when #2 happens. |
"Formed by Rusters from the slums, and some who left the other gangs in search of stronger purpose,"
"The members of the Red Company are often young, consisting of rebellious or idealistic youngsters who left the other factions after being smitten with the Reds' cause."
Documentation literally directly contradicts the "doesn't happen often" portion--it -can- happen often, but when it does it should come in a well-roleplayed, ICly realistic manner.
Bumping without comment is tantamount to saying "you guys aren't doing this right," which comes off a little harsh.
What I think is coming across as is--your argument is that this ICly looks bad, whereas a bump in a commentary on roleplay is an argument that this OOCly -is- bad/poorly roleplayed.
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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:43 pm |  |
"Other gangs" is not necessarily equal to "Other Families." There's a pretty big difference, there. There are surely a -bunch- of gangs in Rust.
ETA: Personally, my viewpoint is that Recruits are probably allowed freedom to leave if they want, as long as they don't end up stealing gear or Family hopping too terribly. But once someone hits "Private" or what would be considered "Full Family Member" rank, at that point they're committing themselves to their Family's cause. That's the point where they make that decision to not go beyond the point of no return.
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