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Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:51 pm |  |
I do believe that Tiamat fixed the code for randomly-regenerated enterable areas when she and Krelm were still working on Venus, so the code would potentially be available to allow for randomly generated 'enterable' mini-maps. This is a feature that I'd always pushed for in Atonement, it just never made it high enough up on the coding priority list to be completed.
Basically, you could use this code to easily do randomly generated dungeons, vehicles (ships, etc), trade caravans (could even match these to be cyclical or seasonal to rotate out available "foreign goods" from other towns), ruin mazes uncovered by shifting winds/sand (for a short period of time, before weather changes again), roving nomad bands/towns (that could be aggressive to RUST), virtual reality interfaces for hacking, etc, etc, the list goes on. This is the sort of dynamic code that can make a huge difference in any RPI.
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Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:20 pm |  |
RUST - Reeducation, Unity, Salvation and Trust.
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Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:07 pm |  |
RUST - Really Unstable and Shitty Town
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Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:13 am |  |
Just thought I'd post an update.
We're working hard to finish the game and things are going quite well. We're still on course to hopefully launch this Sunday, and if we should run into unforeseen problems that delay this, it wouldn't be for more than a few days at the most.
We're adding to the wiki as we go along, though most of the actual setting documentation is already posted. I'm converting relevant information from the atonewiki, such as the combat FAQ and crafting guide, as I happen upon it. Our wiki can be found by hovering your cursor over the NAVIGATION bar to the left and clicking the UNIVERSE link -- it's a bit hidden, I know, but we've got more important things to do than update the forum!
While you wait, feel free to log into the guest lounge and have a look. For nostalgia's sake, I've added an exit into the old spaceship from Atonement's alpha where you're free to look around; it'll remain open for a day or two. I think new account creation is disabled just now, but I'll ask Holmes to look into it as soon as possible.
All good things to those who wait.
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Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:02 am |  |
For your info, in the "Armour" section of the wiki:
"Location: Nearly all types of damage your character might suffer in AtonementRPI targets a specific body location: you might be stabbed in the left eye, shot in the right forearm, stabbed in the abdomen or bludgeoned on the neck. The damage you receive will be lessened if you are wearing something over that location. You can tell what locations a piece of equipment will cover with the examine command. You'll get something that looks like: "
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Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 2:06 am |  |
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