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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:03 pm | |
I've discussed in chat a few times that we are lacking a prey animal for hunters to go after and generally everyone I've spoken to agrees.
For a prey animal we would require something that is moderately valuable to hunt, avoids players, and auto-flees melee. As a general idea with a sense of what type of animal would be good for hunting I imagine something akin to an Anorien stag from Shadows of Isildur where it required time and effort to track, shoot and kill and as a reward you received a decent hide and a decent amount of food.
The other option is a flying creature that you can't melee. I know the template exist for a flying creature as Lucy from Atonement could not be melee'd unless it was attacking someone and only the person Lucy was attacking could melee back. Anyways a flying creature would force the use of guns as a hunting tool rather than a sword to hack down game. Groups could still target these flying creatures but it would require bullets, individuals solo hunters could also target these creatures. As for the rewards, you could make it a flying lizard that has a hide akin to a crocodile but doesn't have the aggression settings to murder a soloist. Also auto-flee.
The problem with a flying creature is the lack of tracks, it would require random sneaking around to locate and kill a flying lizard rather than some skill and talent to track down a ground based game animal.
Any thoughts, questions and concerns? Discuss.
PS: I would be more than willing to write descriptions for a creature/hide object/etc if this idea was given the go ahead.
PSS: Just noticed this might belong in the development forum, I just saw that under Help Desk it said 'suggestions'.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:31 pm | |
There were flying mobs in Atone. Skimmers. They killed a few people, they were kinda hard to kill. As far as prey animals go, I'm kind of an eh on that. There's a distinct lack of forage for large herbivores, though I guess with vines and herbs and other things, there's conceivably enough for a desert/savannah type animal.
There were goats in Atone. They hung out in the more hilly areas, so it's conceivable that the admins might choose to bring them back.
Something like a gazelle or kangaroo might be able to survive, though. The former would be more fast, the latter with more defense capability.
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Dictator in Absentia
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:37 pm | |
Prey animals in the RPI engine are weird and not very interesting.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:26 pm | |
People are the prey animals here.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:30 pm | |
I mean, if you really wanted to add a fun "minigame" of sorts while hunting, you could do something similar to Diablo III with treasure goblins. Make it so there's some kind of packrat/magpie-like creature that rarely shows up in the wilderness. If you manage to stalk it and hunt it down, a random scavenge node (eg. a heap of scrap metal and robot parts, whatever) pops up somewhere in the wilderness that you can harvest for significantly better scavenge than you'd normally get. These can all be done with tools already present in the RPI code and progs.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:40 pm | |
Good idea! We'll call it... a treasure goblin.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:47 pm | |
We already have those they're called indies.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:56 pm | |
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:03 pm | |
I have no idea if we're actually making a treasure goblin so I don't know how to respond!
If you guys were serious about this, you could make it a malfunctioning robot that zooms around with funny responses like 'suddenly a shower of sparks erupts from the side of this robot and it veers off eastward', making weird course corrections. Could lead people to a bank of buried rubble-crap.
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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:45 pm | |
It was simply a suggestion, and it's obviously up to the current administration if they want to use it at all. Your suggestion would be nice flavor to the concept, Viking. I can see the validity to some kind of "scavenger hunt" to ease the monotony of scav trips, but do agree that the way it's done on SOI is rather drab and boring.
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