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Over Emote-tional
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:43 am |  |
Leaving a Family is not the norm and is definitely not something people freely do, especially without another one to go to. It's not impossible, but is extremely difficult and not something most Rusters who value their lives would attempt.
You can compare the Families to say, the Mafia- they are controlling and possessive of their members and there's a reason they're called 'Families' instead of gangs - whether they joined willingly or were forced into it, all Rusters would be aware of the implications of that.
Families are for life. Or at least a life sentence- you might be able to escape, but it's unlikely.
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| A scarred, weatherworn young man tells a hale, dark-haired man, with a strained baritone,
"Ain't the beetles. Killed five without barely a scratch. Just--y'know. Luck in the wildes." | |
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:22 am |  |
So emphasize to clan leaders that they need to hunt down and kill people who try to leave their families without a good reason. This isn't something that can/should be imposed upon the players of rank-and-file PCs.
If my char Bob doesn't like the cafeteria options of the Wilmingtons and the Vultures offer him steak every day, he's gonna go if no one is stopping him. Make the game force the players to behave the way you want them to behave, not the other way around.
Edit: Apologies to wilde; I just realized this post is just about canon, to establish what the norm is. Nothing more.
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Over Emote-tional
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:34 am |  |
Just to clarify further, we're not imposing anything. We were asked for a clarification on canon from several people and this is it.
Clan leads and players are, as always, free to do what they want but leaving a Family shouldn't just be something that is lightly undertaken.
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:34 am |  |
I think something that may be blurring the lines here is that it's relatively easy, in your background, to claim that you started in X family, before becoming dissatisfied for some reason, and then switching to Y family. As far as I've seen, those who do this suffer no major ic consequences except maybe being treated a bit warily by some of the people in the family they switched to.
So maybe to make this a little more -felt- and a little less jarring when it comes up for people trying to roleplay out their dissatisfaction, clanleads should somehow be made aware of which members of other clans used to be in their own, and pursue whatever consequences they deem appropriate, both for people who defect during playthrough, and people who defected a week ago in backstory.
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:45 am |  |
It wouldn't be a terrible idea, in my opinion, if clan leads had access to the background stories of all their members.
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Over Emote-tional
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:46 am |  |
Sphinx wrote: |
So maybe to make this a little more -felt- and a little less jarring when it comes up for people trying to roleplay out their dissatisfaction, clanleads should somehow be made aware of which members of other clans used to be in their own, and pursue whatever consequences they deem appropriate, both for people who defect during playthrough, and people who defected a week ago in backstory. |
I'd love to see this happening but it's something players really need to take control of and step up to. It'd be great to see more people making board posts about their past affiliations in the form of gossip and of course, you're always free to MUDmail people to inform them of relevant information. It's really up to individual players to get their character's story out there.
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Over Emote-tional
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:49 am |  |
DrJohnSmith wrote: |
It wouldn't be a terrible idea, in my opinion, if clan leads had access to the background stories of all their members. |
The thing is, there might be information in there that isn't relevant or appropriate for other people to know. Also, clan leads do have a lot on their plates- I personally think it'd just be better for people to just drop the clan leads of relevant Families a MUDmail.
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:23 pm |  |
Good point, and agreed. But maybe it could be handled similar to the IG message boards? Is it possible to have a mob that accepts writing from anybody, but only reading from Clan Lead and Sergeants? So it could be something like:
A well-dressed, dapper bookkeeper for the New Guard informs you that a current member--going by the name of Mr. Doe--grew up on Niner turf. It's said, according to sources, that he used to have quite the addiction to a nasty street drug called biproxifethaline, or 'proxy' as the kids call it. Why, it wouldn't be a surprise if Mr. Doe started some trouble. You best keep an eye out.
It's not like people in Clan Lead positions shouldn't possess the creativity and imagination to work MUD mails into their RP, but I know some people don't feel totally comfortable discussing their characters OOC--seems like a less intimidating alternative. And requires less effort on the Clan Lead's behalf, because as you said, they're busy individuals.
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:24 pm |  |
--Are the people -doing- this really going to leap at the opportunity to out themselves?
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Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:30 pm |  |
What about, with computers being overhauled and whatnot, some kind of "Voice Recorder"-style intercom that uploaded what is said to a clanlead's computer, so they have access to it that way? Would that be possible/easier than what DJS suggested?
Editted to add: Though, honestly, I'm just as cool with MUDmail because it's convenient too.
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