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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:38 pm |  |
I have noticed a lack of information regarding races. Anyone want to fill in the rest of the forums with their spouts of knowledge? THX
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Benevolent Despot
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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:25 pm |  |
Have you checked out the parallel wiki page? You can get to it by clicking the navigation button on the left side of the window and clicking universe
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| You synchronise a resilient, pink handheld control with a
rubbery screen to a vaguely-humanoid mountain of machinery | |
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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:35 pm |  |
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:51 am |  |
I am talking INFO Not like what they look like and stats. Like Titans are cool cause of the used to be mining stock. But nothing else but that?
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Entrenched Oldbie
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:31 am |  |
No, Staff haven't put anything out besides that yet.
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Void Dreamer
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:56 am |  |
It likely makes sense in context. It's probable that people don't know much about the separate races aside from the stereotypes associated with them, since any semblance of proper civilization and record of the races history/purpose/origins have likely been lost to time, neglect, and of course the fall of civilization (again).
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Senior RPA
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:09 pm |  |
The only thing I'd like to start enforcing that's different is having the race name be in the sdesc.
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:32 pm |  |
Doesn't that leave less to creativity? I mean if a short burly dude is red skinned,.... he is prolly a titan.
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Senior RPA
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:02 pm |  |
As an IMM, when I go to a room and am watching 15 people, it'd be helpful to have more confidence at a glance. A lot of Martians have man in their sdesc, and a lot of terrans are desced as tall.
On SOI, were elves ever desced as anything else, creativity aside?
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Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:25 pm |  |
RE: Keywords:
I totally understand wanting to be able to tell at a glance what race people are, especially for Titans and Calistans, about whom one probably would be able to tell at a glance ICly.
As someone else said, this might be less true of Martians, since Terrans can certainly also be bald, and hairlessness on the eyelids/eyebrows and other telltale indications may not be immediately noticeable from across a room.
There are two issues that I see immediately with requiring people to be explicit about their race in the sdesc though.
a) some PCs might want to obscure their race, for a variety of reasons (which obviously mostly applies to Martians -- or Terrans wanting to look like Martians [which couldn't happen if all Martians had to be called 'Martian')
b) because we as players are all human beings, there are about 47 (I kid, I didn't actually count) different words for "individual of the human race" indicating various genders and ages, and with a variety of connotations.
Man, fellow, youth, teen, young man, guy, dude, kid, woman, gal, chick, girl, young woman, lady, all look different on the page and sound different and mean something different. As a Terran you get to use these words but as a Martian or a Titan or a Calistan you're just stuck with the one word that flags your race? :/
Maybe if there were more cultural ways of referring to the various races it would be less restrictive to try to desc one. Then people wouldn't be stuck with having to describe their Martian as "a tall, thin, bald Martian," which is more or less true of all Martians, or their Titan as "a short, broad, red-skinned Titan."
For instance, "a stringy-haired, big-eared creeper" or "a hazel-eyed, flat-nosed baldy" might make things a little more interesting.
But for that it would be helpful, as Lowdy said, to have more information about the various races. As it stands I think most people IG just view Martians as "one of those smart guys" and Titans as "one of those tough guys." Not that people don't take into account what little is known, but in terms of how, for instance, the mining history of the Titans is viewed by society at large, there isn't much in the way of cohesive thought on the subject. Are they looked down upon by some because of their having been designed for manual labor? Or are they viewed with less suspicion than Martians, who are probably all plotting together with their big brains?
It would help, I think, if we embellished this stuff a little more, even though I agree, one shouldn't be able to glance at a Titan without realizing that's what he/she is (still waiting to see a lady titan!).
I'm sure there will be someone who says "We don't need to decide stuff, just have your PC have whatever views you think society would have and they'll catch on." That's true up to a point, but not everybody plays PCs whose views are line with the majority viewpoint. If you do, that's great, espouse the majority viewpoint IG. I don't, usually, but I still need to know what the majority viewpoint is.
But to HAL, I could SWEAR there was one elf that was described as a "young man" and you had to really look at him to realize he was an elf. It was so long ago, though, that I can't be sure. Maybe he was supposed to be a half-elf? But that seems unlikely. No IDEA.
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