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Drinking Units
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Post Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:59 pm      Reply with quote

The 'drink sink 200' stuff is weird, especially in comparison to how eating food works. It'd be nice if 'sip units' were the same as 'bite units', or at least comparative. It would also be nice if canteens and cups, which hold far less 'sip units' than could ever effect your thirst, actually did. Is it possible to make drinking more reasonable?

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:13 pm      Reply with quote

Seer wrote:
The 'drink sink 200' stuff is weird, especially in comparison to how eating food works. It'd be nice if 'sip units' were the same as 'bite units', or at least comparative. It would also be nice if canteens and cups, which hold far less 'sip units' than could ever effect your thirst, actually did. Is it possible to make drinking more reasonable?

I have long wondered this, too. I mean, I've never brought it up because it's incredibly not an urgent concern, but the canteen thing is a bit inconvenient. As OCD as I am about always having a filled canteen, it's barely (not?) worth the trouble, really, because of how little they hold.

As for having to take 200 sips from the sink vs only 6 or 12 or 20 bites of food (depending on quality or whatever), it is fairly odd and I always feel like a weird twink drinking 200 water at a time (so I don't, I just 'drink sink 50' four times, I don't know why that's better), even though I know it must just be that 1 water is very very tiny for some reason I don't recall or fail to grasp. Cool

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I would prefer not to.


Post Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:18 pm      Reply with quote

Obvious solution is emoting locking lips with the sink like a dying hamster, swallowing down grotesque amounts of water, and then having to pee every 30 seconds.

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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:28 pm      Reply with quote

Water is valued at some low level to the point where '600 sips' over four IG Earthdays/1RL day is 'realistic.' Octavius and/or Kithrater explained it once, and it's basically an ounce of water or something. 3 liters a day is 100 ounces, split that across 4 days it's 400-some sips. So 30 ounces(which is a canteen) means you're drinking almost a liter of water.

Or just do what Bones does.

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Post Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:24 pm      Reply with quote

Actually, I believe that "drink" was changed so that one "drink" is now equal to 10 "sips" (meaning that instead of drink 200 you should now only have to drink 20, I think). But, uh, don't quote me on that. Because I'm not 100%.

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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:18 pm      Reply with quote

Watson wrote:
Actually, I believe that "drink" was changed so that one "drink" is now equal to 10 "sips" (meaning that instead of drink 200 you should now only have to drink 20, I think). But, uh, don't quote me on that. Because I'm not 100%.

This change -did- happen. And now it means even if you drink boozecup 1, you drink all the booze at once.

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It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools.

Post Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:48 pm      Reply with quote

There is now an actual "sip" command, which I think is a new thing?

Which, upon testing, doesn't actually have you drink? I just took 20 sips from a cup, and it's still full.

But, if for nothing else, it can be used to help ease the RP aspect of drinking.

Plus it's lacking a space in the echo:
> sip cup
You sip some ofwater from a plastic cup filled with water.

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