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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:47 pm      Reply with quote

Crayon: you forgot prowess.

To be helpful, prowess (should? does? I'm completely wrong?) IIRC works like whatever-it-was in SoI, where if you don't know how to use a weapon(or brawling?) then you use prowess instead. And 'dealing 1 damage the most' should be linked to your skill as much as your agility.

That said, the system's working-as-designed(IMO/according to the Kith(the designer)) if people with high int/dexterity are losing in fistfights to people with high con/str/agi.

Explaining further: if you have beginning brawling, and familiar prowess, I'd expect(but wouldn't guarantee) that you use prowess instead.

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Post Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:56 pm      Reply with quote

The reason it's generally assumed that prowess doesn't factor in is because defaulting to stats instead of skills, in the few skills where that comes into play (skinning/butchery) doesn't work as-intended, so based on experience and similar situations, I'm not sure it actually works.

(Dealing 1 damage the most almost never actually wins, having higher than average strength tends to trump everything else. Basically 50% of your chance of winning a brawling fight is based on who has the most strength, 40% is your con/maybe will. Maybe 10% your skill/prowess if that kicks in/agility. Strength/Con as-is just effect altogether too many things, too heavily.)

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Entrenched Oldbie

Post Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:22 pm      Reply with quote

crayon wrote:
The reason it's generally assumed that prowess doesn't factor in is because defaulting to stats instead of skills, in the few skills where that comes into play (skinning/butchery) doesn't work as-intended, so based on experience and similar situations, I'm not sure it actually works.

(Dealing 1 damage the most almost never actually wins, having higher than average strength tends to trump everything else. Basically 50% of your chance of winning a brawling fight is based on who has the most strength, 40% is your con/maybe will. Maybe 10% your skill/prowess if that kicks in/agility. Strength/Con as-is just effect altogether too many things, too heavily.)

"and is used in those instances where you are attempting to use a weapon that you do not possess the correct skill for."

Why are we talking about skinning/butchery when I'm discussing brawling, again?

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